National Youth Leadership Institute

What is NYLI?

NBDF's National Youth Leadership Institute (NYLI) provides young people (18-24 years old) in the bleeding disorders community with leadership opportunities to encourage personal growth, effect change, and positively influence others.

What to Expect

The National Youth Leadership Institute is a two-year program designed to assist young people from the bleeding disorders community in becoming well-trained, recognized leaders. In addition, NYLI provides an amazing opportunity for youth to learn and share experiences of living with a bleeding disorder. NBDF achieves these outcomes by providing young adults with training, support, and opportunities to provide education to the bleeding disorders community.

Since January of 2015, the NYLI program has implemented a three-track curriculum. The program will continue to provide young adults with the same opportunities to become established leaders and speakers in the bleeding disorders community, while also providing them with the tools to implement more direct programs at the local level.

Each year of the program will focus on developing specific skills through a variety of in-person trainings, webinars, and year-round communication. The first year of the program is dedicated to developing individual and professional skills including: public speaking, leadership techniques, networking skills, and résumé building. In addition, NYLI will further develop these skills by selecting one of three areas of focus – or tracks – that will shape the remainder of their time in NYLI:

Education Track: Training and experience in program planning for educational events, meeting and group facilitation with opportunities to practice, learning about NBDF’s Educational Outreach programs, and learning how the education department supports those with bleeding disorders.

Advocacy Track: Training and experience in speaking with elected legislators, facilitating advocacy education workshops, involvement in legislative events for state chapters in a leadership capacity with a special interest in training youth to become more confident advocates.

Research Track: Training and experience in understanding and conducting research that impacts the bleeding disorders community, attend meetings and programs to develop outreach materials for chapters and community engagement, coordinate events with the research department and gain experience communicating scientific information.

In their second and final year of the program, NYLI members will focus on implementing what they've learned through an in-depth Capstone Project. The capstone project will be the implementation of information gained through training, events, and track assignments that the NYLI member experienced. The project will bridge that information into actionable progress towards the bleeding disorders community.

The application is typically available in January each year, and due in late February. Applicants are usually notified of their acceptance by early April. Young adults may remain in the program for two years total, but they are requested to renew their membership annually by completing a renewal form.

8031 West Center Road
Suite 301
Omaha, NE 68124

© National Bleeding Disorders Foundation 2025

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