Unite for Bleeding Disorders Walk

United We Walk!

Join us for our Unite for Bleeding Disorders Walk on Sunday, September 29, 2024, at Chalco Hills Recreation Center.

Our walk supports education, advocacy and research for the bleeding disorders community, but we can’t do it without you. Our community has come so far with all of us coming together. Let’s keep walking for a cure, advanced treatments and healthier lifestyles.

Much more than just a fundraising event, the Nebraska Unite for Bleeding Disorders Walk brings together individuals affected by bleeding disorders, their families, friends, neighbors, supporters who come to enjoy an amazing day while helping a cause. It attracts people of every age and background, from parents with infants to grandparents, and everyone in between. 

NBDF Nebraska welcomes Local Walk Sponsorships at all levels. Please invite your company and contacts to consider serving as a local walk sponsor. These sponsorships make a tremendous difference in the lives of our community – join the cause today.


This year’s fundraising goal is $40,000! There are many challenges to fundraising, but ultimately it’s about telling your story. Our most successful fundraisers are the ones that share why they walk. 

For any additional questions or comments, please contact Executive Director, Maureen Grace at mgrace@bleeding.org or (402) 499-8025 


Register for the Unite Walk by Clicking Here:

Support our 2024 Walk Teams

8031 West Center Road
Suite 301
Omaha, NE 68124

© National Bleeding Disorders Foundation 2025

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